If you want to check how the items have been set up in terms of social security contributions, statistics and salary certificates, you can print a summary.

At the bottom left of the items management, click on Print subject to and select Standard:

The first column indicates whether the item is part of the gross salary.

The second column indicates whether the item is subject to OASI and unemployment insurance.

The third column indicates whether the item is subject to accident insurance.

The fourth column indicates whether the item is subject to supplementary accident insurance.

The fifth column indicates whether the item is subject to daily sickness benefit insurance.

The sixth column indicates whether the item is subject to the pension fund.

The seventh column indicates whether the item is subject to withholding tax.

The eighth column indicates whether the item is checked as compensated.

The ninth column indicates whether the item is treated outside the grossup. (if the concept is used)

The tenth column indicates in which box of the salary certificate the item is totaled.

The eleventh column indicates in which group of the SFO questionnaire the item is totaled.

The twelfth column indicates the type of the item.

The existing settings when creating a new company from scratch (i.e. the standard company of the program) are correct and have been validated by Swissdec.

The only difference that could exist concerns the bonuses that are excluded by some pension funds.