This is especially used when calculating commissions on sales and can calculate very different things depending on the settings of the items in question.

Case 1: we don't care about the turnover and we will enter directly the communicated figure in the commission item. Nothing special:

Case 2 : there is a fixed rate whatever the turnover. You need a statistical type item to enter the turnover and a generic type item containing the rate and applied to the turnover field (here 15%) which will calculate it automatically:

Case 3: Let's assume that the rate is variable according to the turnover:

Commission on sales 0- 19'999.99 5%.

Commission on sales 20'000- 29'999.99 10%.

Commission on sales of 30'000- 49'999.99 15%.

Commission on sales of 50'000 and more 20%.

There can be 4 ways of dealing with this:

1 - The turnover is broken down each month bracket by bracket:

It is calculated each month independently.


It is calculated pro rata temporis over time. This avoids the possibility of someone switching a sale to another month to inflate the turnover and make it reach the higher bracket.


The parameterization will be done in the tab "Computation elements" of the items by defining the brackets and by checking "Difference".

In the first case as shown in the screenshot above and in the second by checking "End of period correction" in addition.

2 - The commission will be paid on the entire turnover according to the rate of the total bracket :


It is calculated pro rata temporis over time. This avoids the possibility of someone switching a sale to another month to inflate the turnover and make it reach the higher bracket.

The parameterization will be done in the tab "Calculation elements" of the items by defining the brackets and by checking "Total base".

In the first case as shown in the screenshot above and in the second by checking "End of period correction" in addition.