In the year ending, go to:

The following window opens:

The general principle is: checked employee = deferred employee / unchecked employee = non-deferred employee

By default, it unchecks the inactive employees. It is possible to check them again if you think they will come back. If you have forgotten to inactivate someone who will not come back, you can uncheck him.

When the selection is finished, click on OK ==> it creates the new year.

Let it work until you see the message Start a new year is ended. Click on OK.

The new year appears in the list:


It is not necessary to have completed the month of December to open the new year. It can be opened to get a head start and quietly finish the current year.

The final vacation balance becomes the beginning balance for the new year. It is best to be up to date when doing this, but if not, see the catch-up tool by clicking here.