Most tax authorities have released new tables after publishing a first draft. It is clear that you should always have the latest version and re-download them in case of changes.

Latest change: Appenzell Innerrhoden 05.07.2021 :

CantonLast date of publication
 Argovie (AG)
 Appenzell Rhodes Intérieures (AI)
 Appenzell Rhodes Extérieures (AR)
 Berne (BE)
 Bâle Campagne (BL)
 Bâle Ville (BS)
 Fribourg (FR)
 Genève (GE)
 Glaris (GL)
 Grisons (GR)
 Jura (JU)
 Lucerne (LU)
 Neuchâtel (NE)
 Nidwald (NW)
 Obwald (OW)
 Saint-Gall (SG)
 Schaffhouse (SH)
 Soleure (SO)
 Schwyz (SZ)
 Thurgovie (TG)
 Tessin (TI)
 Uri (UR)
 Vaud (VD)
 Valais (VS)
 Zoug (ZG)
 Zurich (ZH)

The common directory of the cloud, updated as new publications are made, contains these versions of the files. The tables can therefore be reloaded at any time.