Employees management

How to duplicate employee profiles
If you want to create several employee profiles and some of them are common, it is possible to duplicate existing profiles. Go to Profile Managemen...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to get information from all employees (Selective Update)
If you need to have an identical data of all employees, it is not necessary to go through the data extraction. This can be done directly from the employ...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to inactivate or reactivate an employee
When an employee leaves the company, it is wise to inactivate them. This ensures that a salary is not calculated inadvertently for someone who has left....
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to link an employee's salary payment to a specific employer's bank
Activate the option in the company's settings. You must have the necessary employer banks to create your payment groups. If they are different ...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to make the value of the items evolve over time
If you want to change the amount of an item over time (for example: salary agreed during the trial period and then another amount), it is possible to give d...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to manage micro donations / Rounding up
For companies wishing to practice rounding up/micro donations, it is necessary to start by creating a new heading which must be typed "Donation": ...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to set up an employee to have part of his salary paid to the debt collection office and the remainder to his bank
Prerequisites: Provide 2 banks for the employee (in case of doubt see here). Have created a third party prosecution office (in case of doubt see her...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to set up an employee's salary to be paid on several banks
First of all, two banks must be activated in the items : Case N° 1: A fixed amount is to be paid on one bank and the rest of the salary on anot...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to set up CAF (family allowances fund) at the employee level
Go to Employee Management : On tab n° 5, sub-tab OASI/Unemployment/AF : If there is only one family allowance fund, it will be proposed au...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:34 PM
How to set up LAAC (complementary accident insurance) at the employee level
Go to Employee Management : On tab n° 5, sub-tab LAA /DII :  Choose the relevant item(s) and the corresponding code(s) that were defined i...
Tue, 31 May, 2022 at 3:35 PM