When we switch from using the program locally to our cloud solution, the operation is basically the same. However, there are some small differences.
Salaries payment:
Proceed as usual.
Preferably indicate the data path of the company you are processing: T:\wsaldata\xxx20
Click on ok as usual. When you close the window it will propose to send the payment file:
Indicate the email address of the recipient. Check or not "compress file" (by default it is checked and the file will have to be unzipped later).
Retrieve the file, save it locally and process it as usual.
Sending the voucher in Wineur
Proceed as usual.
Data directory T:\yyyy20 (destination accounting company)
In the accounting program :
Choose the source and the directory of the file :
and continue as usual.
Sending pay slips by email
The mail server must be configured :
The sending address should be @git-cloud.ch. As it will not be possible for the recipient to reply to the e-mail received, it is best to indicate something like [email protected].
If you wish to indicate your e-mail address so that the recipients can reply to you, you should contact [email protected] in order to make a change.
Importing logos or images for payslips
See the dedicated article here.