The various changes that may occur at the employee level (new salary, etc.) must be made in the employee management.

If there are changes in insurance rates, they must be updated:

- for LAA, see here

- for the DII, see here

- for LAAC, see here

- for the pension fund, if it is an identical fixed rate or a table of contributions, see here. However, if you use fixed amounts, you have to change them in the management of the employees either in the Pension fund tab or in selective update on the item.

- for the family allowance fund, see here

For the fixed items ( OASI, Unemployment, Unemployment Solidarity, Maternity Insurance, LPCFam, etc...) this is done in Sttings - Salary items in the tab Employee part/Employer shares :

Regarding the items OASI, Unemployment, Unemployment Solidarity, Maternity Insurance, changing the rate will automatically apply to everyone.

Go to Diagnostic

Tools - Employee tools - Update permanent items :

Select the item - Update rates (mettre à jour les employés)

Next, you need to load the new withholding tax table(s).

See How to load withholding tax tables

 If needed: How to load withholding tax tables in several companies