Payroll Data Export (PUCS : Procédure unifiée de communication des salaires) enables payroll data to be transmitted in accordance with the standardization established by Swissdec, in collaboration with various partners.

The “Swiss salary standard (ELM)” simplifies procedures, enables correct declarations to be made and reduces administrative work.

It defines a standard for transferring data directly to AHV funds, various insurance companies, the tax authorities of certain cantons, and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

The first step is to  "Define connection parameters" and check the prerequisites for sending data indicated in the table below.

You can also find the list of connected institutions at the following address :


DomaineType d'envoiPré-requis
OASI entry - exit- Check with the caisse(s) concerned to see if the option is available
OASI / CAF annual statement- Have defined insurance references OASI / CAF
DII/LAA/LAAC annual statement
- Request ELM profiles from insurance companies, if not yet received
- Set insurance codes according to ELM profiles received DII / LAA / LAAC
TAXESalary certificates
ISWithholding tax (monthly) - Canton serial number acquired from AFC
- Set up mandatory information for sending data
OFSSwiss Federal Office of Statistics
(Salary structure survey conducted every 2 years)
- Data required for dispatch
- Have received the documents from ESS current January 2025, to take part in the 2024 survey

PUCS error messages